Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Hyprocrisy

The UN really needs should to be embarrased of shamelessly traipsing around the globe emitting tons of carbon emissions as they lecture on global warming caused by man.

Then of course there's The L.A. Times on Arnold, who is a real advocate for saving energy and all that. Uh-huh. Flying in his private jet back and forth from mansion to mansion from Northern California to Southern California and back. Uh-huh.

Like many of the Californians he represents, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger now spends more than three hours commuting because he lives so far from the office.

But his ride is a private jet.

After flirting briefly with buying a Sacramento abode for his family, then living alone for a while in a 2,000-square-foot hotel penthouse across from the Capitol, the governor has decided to stay nearly every night at his Brentwood mansion.

The commute costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, which aides say the governor pays for himself. Some environmentalists say the trips expand his carbon footprint enough to undermine his image as a crusader against global warming, despite the pollution credits he buys to offset the damage.

Kind of makes me want to spit up laughing, it's really a little outrageous.
Seriously, the hypocrisy actually makes me want to have a kind of two year old tantrum, it does. How do they get away with this? It's really kind of embarrasing that there's so many who won't even bother to ask the hard question. Any question. It's amazing to me that people just assume the sky is falling because Al Gore and the rest of these elite Chicken Little's say so. It's a little perplexing. Really befuddling, it 'tis.

H/T to HotAir, Ed Morrissey

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