Monday, February 18, 2008

It's an outrage

I am so outraged by this 'professor' I could seriously spit. This person has to be one of the most moronic, imbecillic, ignorant fools that ever existed on this planet. But what are you gonna do? The internet gives access to all kinds of clowns.

So this professor knows of one person who had a Downs Syndrome child and it ruined the family's lives. What about the hundreds of thousands of families who have been blessed with a child of disabilities? According to this guy it doesn't matter. Its crucial that we have an abortion if through an amnio, the baby has been diagnosed with Downs. And btw, he will not apologize for his remark.
However, if you continue to read this dimwit's remark, "Ironically, he also indicated he likely wouldn't have an abortion if he and his wife were pregnant with a disabled baby."

"In my opinion, the moral thing for older mothers to do is to have amniocentesis, as soon during pregnancy as is safe for the fetus, test whether placental cells have a third chromosome #21, and abort the fetus if it does," he said, according to a Raleigh news and Observer report.

By the way... the obstetrics and gynecologist's that specialized in high risk pregnancies that I was under the care of (three doctor's) all came to the same conculsion that I had this "trisomy #21" anomaly and that my baby would be born dead (stillborn). They could almost promise me that, "one in a billion would my baby live." Well guess what....They were wrong. Today she's 19 years old, probably healthier than me, and although with many disabilities.....She's the light of my life and I wouldn't be half the person I am today. And I thank God for that.

So don't tell me, older women should have an abortion if they suspect something may be wrong with their pregnancy. Don't believe everything your doctor will tell you. But most importantly, don't let them make your choices for you. Doctor's love to play God...but you have to remember....they call the medical profession a "practice." Thats exactly what they're doing....Practicing on us.

If I had listened to those boneheads...I would have never known the sparkle and the life in my daughter's eyes.

I just have to shake my head with some of the things I read and the opinions of some. This really does give a whole new meaning to the word, retarded........


Casdok said...

It certainly is an outrage. One i can totaly understand.
Great post, and great that you have a wonderful sparkle in your life. So have i. :)

Michelle Morgan-Coole said...

punky, this is a really topical issue. I haven't read the link yet but I will.

However, I was immediately reminded that a few months ago I was speaking to one of the founders of the Nova Scotia Downs Syndrome Society. They were preparing for an upcoming forum on just this issue. Apparently legislation has been passed in some European countries requiring doctors to provide full information to parents when results of testing show disabilities... I think it was just Downs Syndrome, but I could be wrong, it could apply to other diagnosed disabilities too.

Anyway this group wants to see the same sort of legislation passed in Canada. Apparently there is draft legislation in at least one of the American states on the subject. One of the problems as Rene saw it was that doctors tend to only pass on negative information to the parents, how this child will destroy your marriage and your life, yadda, yadda ... as opposed to where we actually are with intervention and services for these children.

Full disclosure so that parents can at least make an informed decision. Definitely an interesting, and hot button, topic. Which reminds me, I've been scratching around for a topic to write on for the special needs blog. Think I just found one.

Anonymous said...

Punky you have written with passion and knowingly. It is outrageous that this should be happening. I agree with mmc when she says that doctors tend to give the negative information - the simplest in their eyes. Full knowledge that allows for informed decisions si necessary. I agree with all your adjectives punky - they do describe the opinionated dimwit clearly.

Punkys Dilemma said...

Thank you Casdok. Yes you do understand what its like, don't you. Thank God for our children :)

Punkys Dilemma said...

Oh no, no, no. There's something very wrong with that picture (legislation).....

Punkys Dilemma said...

Thank you eb. Yes, it really is ashame that doctor's will not inform parents of not only the negative, but more importantly, the positive. So they we can have a full understanding to make that choice without question.

Michelle Morgan-Coole said...

Did you misunderstand what I said punky? Legislation requiring doctors to provide full information to parents when results of testing show Downs Syndrome. So they're not just giving the negative and telling people how awful it's going to be. Wouldn't that be a good thing?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing such an important piece! I agree with MMC full disclosure is what is needed. It is interesting, becaue iwth vaccines, we get only the benefits of the shots, but not the risks.... and in the case of our dear babies.. in the womb, they give up the negative.. not the positive... full disclosure is the only way.. and this porfessor is an idiot!!!

Punkys Dilemma said...

Oops.....sorry M. I did misunderstand you.....'bonk,bonk' :)