Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hollywood mourns...Fidel Castro resigns

The Hollywood elite never ceases to amaze me. Well okay, I really shouldn't be surprised. I have to hand it to these cornflakes. They do have a tendency to make me say, WOW unfreakinbelievable....on many, many occasions and for many, many reasons.
These are just a few quotes with their take on Fidel Castro.......
Better yet, you can listen to Laura Ingraham for yourself. She's good.

Oliver Stone..."He's selfless and moral. One of the warmest men."

Dan Rather... "Cuba's Elvis."

Naomi Campbell.... "A dream come true."

Harry Bellafonte... "If you believe in freedom, if you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy - you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro."

Jack Nicholson..."Castro is a genius."

Francis Ford Coppola... "Fidel, I love you. We both have powers and want to use it for a good purpose."

Chevy Chase..."Socialism works. I think Cuba might prove that."

Gina Lollabridgida...."Castro is an extraordinary man. He's warm and understanding and seems extremely humane."
Au contraire... Just to give you an idea of the real Castro.....

Thousands sit rotting in prisons.
People who are tortured and executed because they speak their mind.
Healthcare service -- most of Cuba's certified doctor's have flunked the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduate exams. They don't even qualify for physicians assistant's in Cuba.
About 114,000 people were killed by the order of Castro.
Trying to leave Cuba without government sanction is a criminal offense punishable by prison.
Maybe these Fruit Loops need to move to Cuba.
I actually have to feel kind of sorry for the Hollywood elite. They are a bit impaired.

It really is very sad to think of the way Cubans are abused and held prisoner, paralyzed from freedom.
Hollywood paints a terribly fictitious picture of Fidel Castro and of Cuba.

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