Thursday, June 11, 2009

Health Care Debacle

I do hope and pray that the American Medical Association will make an impact on the Obama Administration to stop their intent to nationalize our healthcare system. Mr. Obama will address the AMA on Monday with his public insurance plan.

From the moment Mr. Obama made his campaign promise to nationalize our health care, it concerned me a great deal. They can tangle with my health or my husband's health. Thankfully we're in fairly good condition, although being baby boomers no doubt that will be difficult to get the medical attention we'll need as senior citizens if this healthcare passes.

But more importantly, I worry for my disabled daughter. Right now we have an HMO program. Anyone who has HMO can understand that it can sometimes be a fight to get what we need. Because my daughter is severely handicapped, I have experienced a disturbingly lack of concern in departments such as pediatrics, neurology, and pediatric surgery. Any parent with disabled children or not, would be outraged with the kind of treatment my daughter and I have received in the past. I've been told that my daughter won't amount to much as she grows so there is no need for therapy. Or that I need to consider institutionalizing her as she will surely be a burden on our family. He's got nerve telling me what I need to do with my baby and how I feel about her. This is just to name a few incidences. And this is a private sector.

I admit, it can sometimes be a fight to get the proper medical attention that my daughter has a right to have with our HMO. And I will go to any length if I have to put up a fight to get it. But how will I fight the government if they take over our health? The government will decide what they will want to do with my daughter. Politicians who have absolutely no clue on any form of disability, let alone medicine. It's despicable enough that professional medical doctors will dismiss my daughter and sweep her under the carpet just to save a dollar only because she will not be a productive part of society. I can only imagine what the Obama Administration and Congress will think of my daughter. That thought actually scares the hell out of me. The steps they may take to take away her right as a human being.

Most people who don't deal with disability, including doctors, can't understand living in a world of the disabled. They aren't able to understand the twinkle in their eyes, the smiles and laughter when you enter the room. They only see a little girl who is unable to hold her head up, walk or talk and is slumped over in her wheelchair. So with that, they want to put her far, far away where no one can see her. Never mind that she is a living, loving, full of life little human being.

It concerns me greatly that the government will take over our health care. It worries me that it will take months, years to get the attention we will need. It worries me that they will not prioritize my daughter's needs however small. Because her health is more fragile, a simple tummy ache can become a life or death situation. What will happen to her when that happens? I worry that, that won't be a good enough reason to be seen by a doctor. I worry that because cancer runs in our family, one of us may not catch in time because of the long wait in line.

If our health is at the mercy of Mr. Obama and our government.....God help us all. God help my daughter.
I'm pretty sure it will be one helluva fight for my daughter, but if that's what it be it.

The competetiveness of the private sector proves to provide the best healthcare for the American people. That's why our healthcare is the best in the world. To have the option of getting the best for my daughter is almost comforting to know this. If it's put into the hands of the government, I honestly worry what will happen to my daughter. I would think most disabled Americans have the same concerns.

The AMA opposes a government run health insurance plan. I hope to God they put up one helluva fight to stop this madness.

In an interview, Dr. Nancy H. Nielsen, president of the American Medical Association, said she was delighted by Mr. Obama’s plan to address the doctors.

“Health care reform is as important to us as it is to him,” Dr. Nielsen said. “We will be engaged in discussions in a constructive way. But we absolutely oppose government control of health care decisions or mandatory physician participation in any insurance plan.”

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