Thursday, September 25, 2008

Conservative or Liberal - Telltale signs revealed, Stylish or Disciplined

So who puts up the money for these inane studies? A study that finds Conservatives keep a tidy, more organized office. While Liberals keep a more colorful, stylish clutter. Seriously, this is about as dense as the one about more Conservatives preferring dogs over more Liberals prefer cats. I'm not the most tidiest, neatest, although I'd like to think that I'm pretty organized in my home, it just doesn't always turn out in that order. But I am Conservative to the bone. And I have four cats. Although I love dogs just as much., I don't feel worse about the mess in my room because I'm a conservative as compared to a liberal feeling comfortable in their mess. It is what it is. I can live with that.

Your office or bedroom holds telltale signs of whether you are a conservative or a liberal, finds a new study. While political conservatives tend to keep a tidy, organized office, political liberals favor colorful, more stylish but cluttered spaces.

A person may hide their political ideology from others, including from pollsters, but the researchers were delighted to learn that a peek into subjects' living quarters or even workspaces could give that away.

Conservatives and liberals leave behind distinct "behavioral residue" that can be picked up by savvy scientists and possibly other observers, according to the study by New York University psychologist John Jost and his colleagues. The results are set for publication in a forthcoming issue of the journal Political Psychology

Gee...this article almost makes me wish I were colorful, stylish, modern like a Liberal rather than ordinary, organized, disciplined like a Conservative.


Anonymous said...

wow...all that education, money and time, so that people can delude themselves...
I'd hate to have them see MY bedroom!
take it for what it's worth--about as much as the Sunday comics.

The sad part is that these people believe they're making a CONTRIBUTION doing this. sigh.

Punkys Dilemma said...

The sad part is that these people believe they're making a CONTRIBUTION doing this. sigh.

That's for certain. They're dead serious about this crap.