Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's About Life

For the past two days, I've been listening to and watching Jill Stanek, nurse and a pro-life advocate. Her stories of working in the Labor and Delivery department at Christ Hospital in Illinois was heartwrenching and hard to hear. She was fired from Christ Hospital for speaking out against their policy of aborting babies in the second, even third trimesters. Some of the babies that were aborted were alive. Left to soiled linen rooms and garbage cans. How can it be legal to be so criminal? It's absolutely barbaric.

At a hearing for the Born Alive Infants Protection Act on July 20, 2000, Jill Stanek testified at the U.S. House of Representatives:

I am a Registered Nurse who has worked in the Labor & Delivery Department at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, for the past five years. Christ Hospital performs abortions on women in their second or even third trimesters of pregnancy. Sometimes the babies being aborted are healthy, and sometimes they are not.

The method of abortion that Christ Hospital uses is called "induced labor abortion," also now known as "live birth abortion." This type of abortion can be performed different ways, but the goal always is to cause a pregnant woman's cervix to open so that she will deliver a premature baby who dies during the birth process or soon afterward. The way that induced abortion is most often executed at my hospital is by the physician inserting a medication called Cytotec into the birth canal close to the cervix. Cytotec irritates the cervix and stimulates it to open. When this occurs, the small, preterm baby drops out of the uterus, oftentimes alive. It is not uncommon for one of these live aborted babies to linger for an hour or two or even longer. One of them once lived for almost eight hours.


In an interview with Sean Hannity on August 20th, Jill Stanek talked about the agonizing experience of cradling a live aborted baby for the 45 minutes of it's life. And her fight to pass a bill to save aborted babies that live. A bill the Barack Obama opposed.


So I've been dwelling on this despicable act of insanity by some doctors who will encourage couples to have an abortion because their child (may) have downs syndrome. How many times have they been proven wrong? Many. But thats not the point. How many children do you know with downs, who are the most sweetest, happiest children?

And then I think of my daughter, who happens to be severely disabled. And I thank God we didn't listen to those doctors. When I was eight months pregnant the obstetrician who specialized in high risk patients had told me that I would give birth to a stillborn baby, naturally I was stunned. So three other doctors had confirmed that indeed my baby would be born dead.

They urged me to have an amniocentesis procedure, at eight months pregnant. At the time we were in too much shock to think that was a strange request being so far into my pregnancy, but we told them, "No" anyway. Hindsight is 20/20. What are the chances of that needle they would puncture into my uterus, that would also puncture my baby's brain or any other important organ, killing her for certain? At eight months pregnant the room in the womb, I'd say is next to nil. It wouldn't take much for a needle to cause severe damage if not, death.
So I have to seriously wonder why it was that those doctors wanted to perform a procedure that had nothing to do with saving my baby in the womb.

Well guess what? Today she's 19 years old going on 20 next month...and thriving. What happened to "stillborn?" So she may have a ton of disabilities. I suppose God decided she and I have more to do on this crazy planet of ours. And those doctors were dead wrong with their diagnosis. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Did I get any apologies. That's a joke, right?

So I look at my daughter today and I thank God I chose not to listen to those doctors. I look at her and think of all the life learning lessons she's taught me. She is able to do very little, but the life in her eyes is so full of joy and happiness. When I think of what those quacks wanted to do to my baby, it sends chills down my spine.

And what about Senator Barack Obama? I guess you've heard by now too that he opposes the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Worse yet, now he's lying about it, trying to weasel his way out of his opposition. Whatever it takes for him to win votes.
Obama quote's, "if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby," speaking about his daughters. That's rich.

Soylent Green 2008, indeed.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Too bad some chlorine wasn't added to his gene pool, long time ago! I can't believe anyone would say that...
What a world!
And I love the "soylent green 2008" line. Just showed my daughters the movie, so they'd have an idea when it is mentioned in passing like this!

Punkys Dilemma said...

LOL! Chlorine to his gene pool. Thats a good
Soylent Green is one of our all time favorites!