Saturday, April 12, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

There's a great article at Pajamas Media by Rick Moran.

Who is Barack Obama? The press and his 'adoring supporters' will tell you who.

Obama assisted in keeping this mystery deliberately. His carefully crafted speeches were, at first, little more than “change and hope,” pep talks delivered with the practiced care and calculated effect of a master propagandist. Never saying anything offensive about anyone, never going “off message” in an attempt to appeal directly to the anger and unease Democrats feel about the direction of the country, Obama’s rhetoric soared and touched the deepest longings of the American soul for unity, community, and most of all, change.

The fact that he has never given more than a thumbnail’s description of how he intends to achieve these miracles didn’t matter to the press or his adoring supporters. It was a tonic to hear an American politician so optimistic about the future, so capable of arousing in even the most cynical of breasts feelings of hope and happiness. Obama had a gift that allowed people to believe in him despite scant evidence that he had the ability or even the temperament to battle the special interests and reform Washington, or ram national health insurance legislation through a reluctant Congress, or bring prosperity to all.
It's necessary that we ask the questions to the person who will be the leader of our country. Its imperative that we know as much as we can learn of these individuals. Not to vote as if this were a beauty pageant. Not only do we have to learn what issues they stand on, its just as important for us to know their character and their values. But you all already knew that.

We know so little about the man Barack Obama, yet the chances of him becoming our next President and his wife Michelle as First very possible. But things are coming to the surface little by little....

Who is Barack Obama?

..."How could this bright, optimistic, sincere youngish politician be associated with these characters (bigot, Rev Jeremiah Wright, domestic terrorist William Ayers, shady Tony Rezko) who represented the worst of America when the candidate himself was appealing to the best in all of us?"

We have had hints of the man who resides within Obama - the inner voice that talks to him, shapes his thoughts, animates his view of the world. But these hints have been from those close to him, those the candidate himself has relied on for advice, friendship, and mentoring. His wife, whose comment about her husband’s candidacy making her proud about America for the first time in her adult life as well as her contention that America is a profoundly “mean” country inhabited by “cynics, sloths, and complacents” was shocking because it opened up a line of questioning into Obama’s own beliefs.
Michelle Obama’s casual confession about lacking pride in America was the first time people paused in mid-jump on the Obama bandwagon to ask themselves some serious questions about the tangle of thoughts in the candidate’s mind. Just what does this guy really believe? What is the core of his personal, most intimate thoughts about America and her people?

Then along came Reverend Jeremiah Wright and suddenly, the questions started to pile up. Along with revelations about his relationship with unrepentant domestic terrorists William Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn as well as a shady Chicago Machine fixer Tony Rezko, people were starting to ask “Will the real Barack Obama please stand up?”

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