Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rev Jeremiah Wright, "God damn America"

Its pretty appalling. Actually its really disturbing. It pretty much makes the blood in my veins boil. Heck, its just downright nasty.
"Reverend" Jeremiah Wright has been Barack Obama's pastor for the last 20 years. He married Obama and his wife Michelle. He baptized their children. If I recall, Barack Obama once called Jeremia Wright a good friend. He does have a role in Obama's campaign, doncha know.
I wonder what Obama, Michelle and his children think when they hear sermons like this, on a Sunday morning?

watch video
UPDATE: Video has been removed from YouTube. Click on video on ABC News.

This could very well be why you won't see Barack Obama respect the tradition of the American Flag.

watch video

It amazes me that some people will just brush this off and think of it as nothing. Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Steven Spielberg, and the likes. I should know better.....but it still blows me away.....


Anonymous said...

It's unbelievable to me how seemingly difficult it is for most White Americans to come to terms with their true historical and persistent treatment of Black Americans and other countries. The United States is a war mongering country. All the propaganda around the 9/11 "terrorist" attack is just that--propaganda. This country has done nothing but imperialize the world through the use of media, business, and military action.

A 17-second excerpt of Rev. Wright's comments is not enough to fully form an opinion, yet so many are. Why? Everything that he said is true. Rich White people are in control of this country, as they always have been and have always sought to dominate the world. Hillary's never been called a nigger, and never will be because she's White, and is completely out of touch with the struggles of the minorities in this country and the true majority in this country, the poor. And it's all because she's a privileged white person.

Why are you all up in arms?? Maybe you need to read and stop paying attention to the media.

Anonymous said...

It's unbelievable to me how seemingly difficult it is for most White Americans to come to terms with their true historical and persistent treatment of Black Americans and other countries. The United States is a war mongering country. All the propaganda around the 9/11 "terrorist" attack is just that--propaganda. This country has done nothing but imperialize the world through the use of media, business, and military action.

A 17-second excerpt of Rev. Wright's comments is not enough to fully form an opinion, yet so many are. Why? Everything that he said is true. Rich White people are in control of this country, as they always have been and have always sought to dominate the world. Hillary's never been called a nigger, and never will be because she's White, and is completely out of touch with the struggles of the minorities in this country and the true majority in this country, the poor. And it's all because she's a privileged white person.

Why are you all up in arms?? Maybe you need to read and stop paying attention to the media.

Punkys Dilemma said...

You've made yourself quite clear in how your feel about America. Btw....I'm not white and I am very proud to be an American.

I prefer to be grateful for the freedom that I have to be able to do whatever it is I choose. The freedom that the most poorest has the opportunity to become one of the richest. Grateful to have the Freedom of Speech to speak my mind. Not to dwell on what was....but to move forward of what can be.