Thursday, February 14, 2008

Liberals Unhinged....

Seriously, can someone explain this to me like a six year old?

How is it possible that a group of people (Code Pink) will do the things they do by protesting against the Marines? Some will call them baby killers....Bush's death pimps. Yet they say they support our troops..? Huh? I don't know if its pure ignorance or what. It baffles me too, to see that the Democrats are putting a tight hold on the Semper Fi Act (rescind more than $2 million earmarked for Berkeley in the fiscal year 2008 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The bill would transfer the money to the Marine Corps.), which was introduced by Sen. Jim DeMint (R)-SC. I don't know if it can get anymore senseless, but the Berkeley City Council will not retract their statement calling U.S. Marine recruiters, "uninvited and unwelcome intruders." The council is also giving Code Pink a free weekly parking space and permit to protest at the recruiting station.

It just boggles the mind. Its disgraceful. Its an embarrasement to Berkeley.
Its all insane.........

watch video

H/T to HotAir

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